Unlock the doors to your career success with Inner Circle, Nurse Power Network’s membership platform designed for nurses who are go-getters and game-changers.
Gain exclusive access to a wealth of resources and top notch training from Inner Circle Coaches. Whether you’re an aspiring nurse leader or a seasoned nurse entrepreneur, Inner Circle provides you with the tools and support to achieve your Nurse Power.
+ Worksheets, templates and detailed guidebooks
+ LIVE eCourses monthly from our industry experts, Inner Circle Coaches
+ Invitation to a private “Huddle Station” with channels full of likeminded nurses who are building and leading
+ Inclusion & Access to Member Directory of fellow Inner Circle nurses
+ Fast Track Entry to all NPN events
+ Priority Seating to all NPN events
+ 10% off all NPN events
With new content added each month
On-Demand Videos | Event Perks | Thriving Community
Money: Gain understanding of your money, cash flow, budgeting, retirement, stock market, and funding capital for business
Career/Professional: Learn how to make pivots in your career from the bedside to the boardroom. Landing new roles shouldn’t be stressful with our community.
Marketing: Gain strategies that help you to get your brand in front of your target audience so that you can meet your career, growth, and revenue goals.
Business Operations: You know what’s more important than launching? Sustaining! Get all tools to running a business here.
Relationship Building: Learn how to attract people from the first impression of your brand to leading a team of people.